Corine Mathonière
Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux, ICMCB
Groupe des Sciences Moléculaires,
87 Avenue du Dr Schweitzer
33600 Pessac, France
The M3 team and the ICMCB group started since 2006 a strong and efficient collaboration on photomagnetic molecule-based compounds establishing a small trans-laboratory research team composed of R. Clérac (CRPP), C. Mathonière (ICMCB), one joined Ph-D student (Rodica Ababei, 2007-2010), and one assistant professor (ATER, Marguerite Kalisz, 2008-2009). Very promising results on materials synthesized in the two neighboring groups or by coworkers have been obtained with the description of a nearly quantitative photo-induced electron transfer in polynuclear Fe/Co cyano-based complexes (J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2008), 130, 252).
The “Molecular Sciences” group of the ICMCB in Pessac is internationally recognized for its competences in the field of molecular photomagnetism. In 2001, the description of a switching effect due to a photo-induced electron transfer on a three-dimensional network containing molybdenum and copper opened a new field of investigation on the photomagnetic mixed-valence compounds. The expertise of the ICMCB group concerns mainly the synthesis and the characterization of photomagnetic molecular materials based on spin transition and/or electron transfer phenomena.