! New 3.2 version available updated from 6th January 2023 !
MagSuite is a set of software applications to treat magnetic data
– MagViewer
- Import raw data files from different formats (rso.dat; ac.dat; AC.dat…).
- Sort data (dc magnetization vs. field, vs. temperature, vs. time and ac susceptibilities…).
- Apply corrections and normalizations.
- Preview the results.
- Export the treated data in different formats.
– MagFitterCC
- Fit ac data with a generalized Debye model to extract characteristic relaxation time and associated parameters.
– MagFitterTau (now available with the last version V3.2)
- Fit relaxation time evolutions to extract characteristic relaxation processes (Raman, QTM, Direct, and Orbach).
and more…
For Microsoft Windows OS, you can download MagSuite for free from Zenodo :
For other OS, you can contact me.
- When you use MagSuite for your scientific work, please add the following reference in your article: M. Rouzières, MagSuite, Zenodo (2020); https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4030310
- MagSuite is distributed with the hope that it will be useful to scientists, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
- The software has been developed with LabView and need LabVIEW 2014 Runtime Engine