Rodolphe Clérac has been selected for the France-Berkeley Fund Award

Rodolphe Clérac has been selected to receive 2017 France-Berkeley Award for his project “Photomagnetic Metal-Cyanide Clusters”. This award, in recognition of scholarly excellence and commitment to advancing research relationships between France and the United States, will be presented during a symposium organized at the College de France in Paris on the 7th of June 2017.

Click here for more information.

Emergent properties in spin crossover materials

Congratulations to Professor Cameron Kepert (School of Chemistry); Eminent Professor Keith Murray; Dr Suzanne Neville (School of Chemistry) and Dr Rodolphe Clérac on their successful ARC Discovery grant. This project aims to develop ‘intelligent’ materials in which emergent properties arise due to the strategic combination of spin switching with other functionalities. Spin crossover is a versatile form of molecular switch which can reversibly change structure, colour and magnetism using convenient external stimuli. In probing new and interesting forms of interplay between technologically relevant properties, this work addresses the science of host-guest and electronic/magnetic systems and could lead to materials worthy of commercial development to underpin a range of future high-level technologies spanning low energy separations, molecular sensing, data storage, and electronic/magnetic/optical device componentry. Total funding: $612,500

Fabien Durola, Jean-Marie Lehn and Jean-Pierre Sauvage on the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Listen to three generations of scientists discuss the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for “for the design and synthesis of molecular machines”, awarded to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa on “La Une de la Science” at France Inter.

Fabien, who did his thesis research with J.-P. Sauvage, gives a particularly lucid explanation and history of molecular machines. J.-P. Sauvage describes some of his most important discoveries, rotaxane and molecular muscles. The thesis director of J.-P. Sauvage, J.-M. Lehn, himself winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987, offers his congratulations and advice on living with the Nobel Prize.

Listen to the entire interview at

Benjamin Wilson awarded 2016 NZ France Friendship Fund Excellence Scholarship

Benjamin Wilson has been awarded the 2016 NZ France Friendship Fund Excellence Scholarship worth $25,000. It will go towards his PhD in supramolecular chemistry at University of Canterbury and the University of Bordeaux. His work in Bordeaux will be supervised by Rodolphe Clérac (CRPP) and Corine Mathionère (ICMCB). Congratulations Ben!

For more information see:

Abhishake Mondal wins the European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis

The thesis work of Abhishake Mondal is one of the two dissertations selected for recognition by the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism in an international competition.

Dr. Mondal performed his thesis work, entitled “Switchable Molecular Magnetic Materials” under the supervision of Pr. Rodrigue Lescouëzec and Dr. Hab. Yves Journaux of the Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie. He defended his thesis in July 2013, and is currently working as a postdoc in the M3 team under the supervision of Dr. Hab. Rodolphe Clérac.

The prize was awarded to Dr. Mondal and
Dr.  Joseph Zadrozny during the Bordeaux Olivier Kahn Discussions (Book-D) on May 27th.
 More information can be found at

Congratulations Abhi! Well done!

CNRS INC Focus on Molecular Magnet…

En direct des laboratoires de l’institut de Chimie

Vers une synthèse rationnelle d’aimants moléculaires

L’intérêt des aimants moléculaires pour de nombreuses applications telles que la spintronique, le stockage des données ou encore l’information quantique n’est plus à démontrer. Mais aucune stratégie de synthèse ne paraît totalement satisfaisante car il est toujours très complexe de prédire leur anisotropie magnétique, propriété intimement liée à leurs applications. Des chercheurs de l’Institut des sciences moléculaires de Marseille (CNRS, AMU) et du Département de chimie moléculaire à Grenoble (CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes) en collaboration avec le Centre de recherche Paul Pascal (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux) ont étudié cette anisotropie magnétique pour une série de complexes de cobalt en combinant des données expérimentales et des calculs de chimie quantique. Ils ont ainsi pu définir l’origine physique de l’anisotropie magnétique. Ces travaux sont publiés dans Chemistry-A European Journal.

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