Vincent Nadurata

Place and date of Birth:
Manila (Philippines)
18th of January 1998
Institutional address:
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal
M3 research team
115, avenue du Dr. A. Schweitzer
33600 Pessac, France
Phone: +33 5 56 84 56 56
Fax: +33 5 56 84 56 00


2019–2021: Master of Science (Chemistry), University of Melbourne,

“Rich redox-activity and solvatochromism in a series of heteroleptic cobalt complexes” under the supervision of Prof. C. Boskovic.

2016–2019: Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), University of Melbourne.

Rasmus Tang Christiansen

Place and date of Birth:
Copenhagen (Denmark)
29th of July, 1994
Institutional address:
Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
71 avenue des Martyrs
CS 20156, 38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 9, France
Phone:   +33 4 76 20 79 67
Fax:         —


2021-2024: PhD student in Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Univeristy of Manchester, UK (in collaboration with Institute Laue-Langevin and Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal). Tentative title: “Double Exchange Spin Dynamics in Valence Delocalised Molecular Magnets” supervised by Dr. M. Baker, Dr. J. Ollivier and Dr. Hab. R. Clérac

2018-2020: Master’s degree in Physics, Faculty of Science, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, supervised by Prof. K. Lefmann and Prof. U. G. Nielsen

2014-2018: Bachelor in Physics, Faculty of Science, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, supervised by Prof. K. Lefmann


Aug 2019 – Present : Allerød Gymnasium, High School Teacher
· Taught both theoretical and practical physics classes at the high school level
· Arranged and put into practice several field trips
· Adapted to virtual teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic

Nov 2016 – Aug 2019 : Experimentarium, Science Communicator
· Received training in science communication and customer service
· Communicated a wide range of sciences, including biology, geology & physics, to people of all ages
· Routinely performed science shows for audiences of +100 people
· Facilitated science workshops for visiting schools
· Functioned as ”guest responsible” from December 2018, responsible for all guest (up to 2000) and
communicators (up to 12) on a given day

Scientific project

Feb 2021 – present: Valence delocalisation within Mixed-valence Molecular Clusters
PhD project
· Studying spin dynamics of mixed valence molecules using neutron spectroscopy
· Investigating the influence of applied electric fields to said clusters
· Modelling of the magnetic properties and neutron spectra with numerical methods
Nov 2019 – Dec 2021: Studies of magnetic properties in Layered Double Hydroxides
Master’s project
· Studied aluminium hydroxide-based layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with Cu2+, Ni2+ and Co2+
· Performed bulk magnetic measurements to determine the magnetic properties
· Used inelastic neutron scattering to measure the magnetic spectrum of Ni-LDH
· Used neutron powder diffraction to confirm absence of magnetic ordering in Ni-LDH down to 2 K
Jan 2017 – June 2017: Simulations of classical spin dynamics
Bachelor’s project
· Developed a program capable of simulating classical spin dynamics of up to 20 spins governed by the
exchange interaction in an external magnetic field
· Implemented the Langevin equation to account for thermally induced spin fluctuations
· Implemented a FFT-algorithm to calculate the dynamical structure factor as a function of q and energy
from the spin dynamics, which allowed for comparison to real neutron spectroscopy data.